Taking care of your health
Uniqueness of Lactobacilus Bulgaricus (LB)
LB are 2-3 times bigger than L acidophilus
Highest survival/reproductive capabilities in extreme conditions (salts, acids, carbs) in GI system
LB can reproduce themselves once every 20 minutes for a period of 10 -12 days
After 12 hours in GI tract 1 bacteria of LB reproduces itself into over 68 billion bacteria
LB help other friendly bacteria (L. acidophilus & Bifido to survive and multiply
LB prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
Bulgaria is the only natural home of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and LB is selected from plants – blossoms of wild herbs and trees in an ecologically protected area by UNESCO (scientific organization)
LB is the original and the best probiotic bacteria which is used to make traditional live yogurt (also originates in Bulgaria)
LB patented strains are registered with FDA
LB is extremely active producer of lactic acid 25 grams per liter of milk
Fighting inflammation and preventing colon cancer
Prevention of brochus diseases
Antitumor effect of L. Bulgaricus
Enhanced physical resistance - fights high stress
Effect of Plantbiotic on Lipid metabolism, proteins and uric acid-decrease in triglycerides and blood sugar levels
Anti-carcinogen effect of Plantbiotic thanks to various Lactobacillus bulgaricus strains
Dedicated to providing products of the highest quality and distinction.
Call us for questions 1 877 970 3091
What makes Plantbiotic so special?
The presence of 3 super strains of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and their fastest reproductive and survival capabilities
Synbiotic-give better and quicker health benefit for long period of time than standard probiotics
Plant based
Not genetically modified nor manipulated
Prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
Plantbiotic products are made in a state-of-the-art facility which complies with all European Union standards
For manufacture of OTC drugs
Contains high concentration of vitamins A,B,C,D, pectin, minerals and trace elements such as Ca, potassium and iron

How can Plantbiotic Probiotic Prebiotic Synbiotics benefit my family and me?

Clinical studies show that the regular use of probiotics may:
Promote correct digestion and absorption of food nutrients
Help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels
Support and strengthen our body's immune system
Fight antibiotic induced disorders
Help fight stress related conditions
Overcome skin problems, allergies
Combat lactose intolerance
Help treat IBS
Fight uro-genetal gastrointestinal infections
Anti-carcinogenic effect on the colon
Helps during radiation therapy of malignancies
Prevents and stops harmful fermentation and fatal auto-intoxication
Helps oral health,
The PLANTBIOTIC Probiotic has been clinically tested at leading Medical Institutions in Bulgaria such as the Pirogov Institute of Emergency Medicine, the Medical Academy of Sofia, the National Center of Oncology and the National Center of Hygiene, Medical Ecology & Nutrition. They have also been the subject of joint tests by leading scientists at the Medical Academy in St. Petersburg and the Wurzburg Medical University in Germany.
The results have been reported at prestigious scientific forums in Paris, Rome, Philadelphia, Athens, Barcelona, Moscow and many others.