The Uniqueness of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus are 2-3 times bigger than L.acidophilus
Highest survival/reproductive capabilities in extreme conditions (salts, acids, carbs) in GI system
LB can reproduce themselves once every 20 minutes for a period of 10-12 days
After 12 hours in GI tract 1 bacteria of LB reproduces itself into over 68 billion bacteria
LB help other friendly bacteria (L. acidophilus & Bifido to survive and multiply)
LB prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
Bulgaria is the only natural home of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and LB is selected from plants - blossoms of wild herbs and trees (Lilac, Pine, Savine Juniper, Yew, Beech)
LB is the original and the best probiotic bacteria which is used to make traditional live yogurt (also originates in Bulgaria)
LB patented strains are registered with FDA
Not genetically modified or manipulated