History of Probiotics
100 years tradition
Probiotics originate from Bulgaria. In 1908, after several years of research Nobel Prize winner Dr. E. Metchnikoff published his book 'The Prolongation of Life'. This was the first scientific study to show the direct link between intestinal microflora balance, 'friendly' bacteria and good health. In this book he identified the unusually good health and long lifespan of Bulgarian farmers as being a result of their high consumption of natural yogurt containing cultured bacteria unique to that area's plant life.
It was Metchnikoff who isolated the primary bacteria used to ferment the milk into yogurt and named it Lactobacillus bulgaricus after the country that is its home and only natural habitat. All human beings have Acidophilus and Bifido in their GI system, it was the presence of L.bulgaricus that makes the difference. Dr Metchnikoff also studied the process of aging. He established that proteins in the large intestine become rotten and toxic and harmful. They are absorbed and cause changes in the tissues leading to auto-intoxication.
"Our precocious and unhappy old age is due to poisoning of the tissues/ the greater part of the poison coming from the large intestine."
He was convinced that the toxins and harmful fermentation can be prevented and eliminated with Lactobacilus.
"Bulgarian bacillus form neither alcohol, nor acetone, two frequent products of bacterial fermentation. It has no action on casein, nor on fats. All those qualities make the Bulgarian bacillus the most useful of the microbes which can be acclimatized in the digestive tube for the purpose of arresting putrefactious and pernicious fermentation." - Prolongation of Life